
2020concours terre de vins-médaille d'or; 2020concours general agricole paris -médaille d'or; 2020concours des féminalise-médaille d'or; 2020concours international de lyon- médaille d'argent


This wine has a very high degree of ripeness, highlighting the richness of mature black berries with a unique fragrance. the oak barrel brings some smoky, vanilla flavor, and moderate oxidation makes the tannins softer, adding more complexity to the wine the benefits brought by global climate change to the bordeaux medoc region are self-evident. here, cabernet sauvignon can achieve sufficient maturity, making the overall taste of the wine more rich and balanced, while retaining beautiful acidity. the rich fruity aroma and the combination of sweet spices such as licorice and vanilla brought by oak barrels are perfect, and there is a cool feeling of cedar and mint, which can be consumed now, but it still has the potential to continue aging. the entrance aroma is rich, with beautiful acidity and moderate alcohol content, without a noticeable burning sensation. the overall feeling is round, with a moderate amount of tannins and a delicate texture but a slight tongue grabbing sensation, making people feel that the structure is compact, the aftertaste is long, the changes are rich and rhythmic, and the aftertaste is full of fruity aroma, giving people a sweet feeling of juice

Brand Lannister
Vintage 2018
Aol% 14
Bottle Size 750
Colour & Appearance Deep red